
Dep. d'Educació i Didàctiques Específiques
Cabedo Mas, Alberto

Cabedo Mas, Alberto

Professor Titular d'Universitat

Chiva Bartoll, Óscar

Chiva Bartoll, Óscar

Professor Titular d'Universitat

Dep. de Pedagogia i Didàctica de les Ciències Socials, la Llengua i la Literatura
Herrero Rico, Sofia

Herrero Rico, Sofia

Professora Associada Laboral

Moliner Miravet, María Lidón

Moliner Miravet, María Lidón

Professora Titular d'Universitat

Dep. de Filosofia i Sociologia
Cardozo Ríos, Adrián Pablo

Cardozo Ríos, Adrián Pablo

Personal investigador en formació predoctoral

Comins Mingol, Irene

Comins Mingol, Irene

Professora Permanent Laboral

París Albert, Sonia

París Albert, Sonia

Professora Permanent Laboral

Dep. de Ciències de la Comunicació
Benet Ferrando, Vicente José

Benet Ferrando, Vicente José

Catedràtic d'Universitat

Gámez Fuentes, María José

Gámez Fuentes, María José

Catedràtica d'Universitat

Nos Aldás, Eloísa Fernanda

Nos Aldás, Eloísa Fernanda

Catedràtica d'Universitat

Dep. d'Enginyeria Mecànica i Construcció
Hernández López, Leonor

Hernández López, Leonor

Catedràtica d'Universitat

Dep. de Finances i Comptabilitat
Escrig Olmedo, Elena

Escrig Olmedo, Elena

Professora Titular d'Universitat

Ferrero Ferrero, Idoya

Ferrero Ferrero, Idoya

Professora Titular d'Universitat

Muñoz Torres, María Jesús

Muñoz Torres, María Jesús

Catedràtica d'Universitat

Rivera Lirio, Juana María

Rivera Lirio, Juana María

Professora Titular d'Universitat

Dep. de Traducció i Comunicació
Farné , Alessandra

Farné , Alessandra

Professora Permanent Laboral

Col·laboració docent externa
Abarca Obregón, Gloria María

Abarca Obregón, Gloria María

Universitat: Universidad Albert Einstein, México

Doctor o doctora: Sí

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    • Date: November 20th till December 1st, 2017 - Description of the professional situation (category) Professor of the Peace Education Course in the Master´s Degree in Peace, Conflict and Development. Dr. Gloria Maria Abarca holds a PhD in Peace, Conflict and Development. - Brief description of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...) The principle research area that she is searching is about Peace Education, and the specific topic is about Peace Education trough Holistic Peace. This topic is include it in the Master thesis and the PhD thesis that she present in the UJI University, in the program of Peace, Conflict and Development. She was coordinator for some International Peace education Projects like: “ A World Painted by Peace” Mexico Painted by Peace, “ Burbujas de Ilusión”, “RadioMiniatura”, Creando puentes, and others. She wrote different articles about Peace education and Peace, some of this articles are: English -Abarca, Gloria. The Classroom: A Place for Inner Peace Education. GCPE Monthly Newsletter No. 107, August /September 2013 Spanish -Abarca, Gloria “Guía del profesor 5” Portafolios de vínculos Inteligentes. Santillana, México, marzo del 2006. -Ramírez, Gloria, Asistentes de la Coordinación (Miriam Soto, Gloria Abarca, Odeth Solís, Mario Salgado y Job Luna) “Plan Nacional de Educación en Derechos Humanos, 2006 “, Cátedra UNESCO de Derechos Humanos de la UNAM, (FCPS), México, del 2006. -Bahajin, Said, Gloria Abarca etal. “Cuestionario en la puesta en práctica del programa de la acción en una cultura de la paz”, UNESCO, 2005 -Abarca, Gloria. Artículo “La Paz, cuestión de todos” 18 de febrero del 2008, periódico el Mediterráneo. -Swart, Sanne. Clizia del Zompo y Gloria Abarca.” La paz; reconocer el Humano en cada persona, Julio 2009, Periódico el Mediterráneo. -Artículo publicado en catalán y castellano en la Universidad de Barcelona, en la sección de Artes y Paz de la Escola de Cultura de Pau llamado ‘Un mundo teñido de paz. Una exposición itinerante, internacional e intercultural de plástica infantil’, escrito por Gloria María Abarca Obregón y Said Bahajin. Enero 2011. -Abarca Gloria María, Herrero Rico Sofia y Andrea Francisco Amat. Articulo “la Educación para la paz desde una visión Holística para la conformación de una ciudadanía crítica” octubre 2011Quaderns Digitals. No. 69 Actas Congreso Mejora Educativa y ciudadanía crítica. -Abarca Obregón Gloria María en UAEM “La configuración de Nuevos espacio en la cultura, deporte, comunicación y educación para la paz, México 2011. -Abarca Gloria y Amaral Palevi “Educación y migraciones contemporáneas: El caso de la comunidad Rumana en Castellón”. En Aldás Eloisa, Alex Iván Arévalo, Eduardo Sandoval (editores) « Migraciones y cultura de paz: Educando y comunicando solidaridad», Dykinson, Madrid 2012. -Abarca, Gloria “Reconocimiento a Fatuma Ahm
Al Najjar Trujillo, Tamer

Al Najjar Trujillo, Tamer

Doctor o doctora: Sí

Càrrec: Especialista en comunicació.

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    • - Descripción de la situación (categoría) profesional Graduado en Periodismo por la UC3M. Máster en Estudios Internacionales de Paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo por la UJI. Ha sido personal investigador en formación predoctoral con un contrato FPU (su tesis se defenderá en 2023). - Descripción breve del perfil investigador (principales líneas o línea, aportaciones, ...) Centra su investigación en comunicación y cambio social con una especial mirada hacia las narrativas del tercer sector, y la representación mediática de la movilidad humana (migración y refugio) y de las personas musulmanas. Su trayectoria académica está vinculada al estudio de los discursos sociales para analizar qué tipo de violencias culturales están presentes en las narrativas y qué alternativas existen para promover culturas de paz (periodismo para la paz, periodismo constructivo, periodismo transformador). Asimismo, cuenta con publicaciones de alto impacto, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, que se detallan a continuación: - Arévalo-Salinas, A.I., Al-Najjar Trujillo, T., y Aidar-Abib, T. (2021). La cobertura informativa de la inmigración en Televisión Española. El caso del barco Aquarius. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 27(1), 13-25. Q2 SJR Comunicación - Arévalo Salinas A. I., Al Najjar Trujillo T. y Silva Echeto V. M. (2021). Representaciones de la inmigración en los medios informativos españoles y su visibilidad como fuentes informativas. Historia y Comunicación Social, 26(1), 153-164. Q1 SJR Historia / Q2 SJR Comunicación - Arévalo Salinas, A., Al Najjar Trujillo, T., y Vilar Sastre, G. (2020). Medios informativos alternativos y economía solidaria en España. Psicoperspectivas, 19(2), 81-93. Q2 SJR Ciencias Sociales - Al-Najjar Trujillo, T. y Arévalo-Salinas, A.I. (2019). La cobertura periodística dels atemptats de Barcelona i Cambrils en «Eldiario. es»: anàlisi del tractament informatiu de l’islam. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, (60), 81-96. Q2 SJR Estudios Culturales - Nos Aldás, E., Farné, A., Al Najjar Trujillo, T. (2021). Communication for Peaceful Social Change and Global Citizenry. In: Leal Filho, W., Marisa Azul, A., Brandli, L., Lange Salvia, A., Özuyar, P.G., Wall, T. (eds) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. Q1 SPI Editoriales Extranjeras 2022 - Descripción del perfil docente (tipo y calidad de docencia) El investigador tiene experiencia docente en el Grado de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universitat Jaume I donde ha impartido la asignatura Fundamentos de Teoría de la Comunicación durante los cursos 2019-20/ 2020-21/ 2021-22. Ha obtenido la categoría Destacada en todas las evaluaciones docentes. Además, ha impartido docencia en la asignatura Comunicación para la Igualdad (Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas) y Cooperación para el Desarrollo (Grado de Enfermería). También ha formado parte de distintos proyectos de innovación docente: “Hacia el TFG y más allá: ilusión y coordinación docente en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas” (curso 2020-2021) y “Meta-alfabetización informacional y metodologías transgresoras críticas para educar desde la empatía” (2021-2022, prorrogado otro año por los buenos resultados). - Otros aspectos que se quieran destacar El proyecto “Hacia el TFG y más allá: ilusión y coordinación docente en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas” recibió el Premio Innovación Educativa 2020 por parte de la UJ
Ali , Fatuma Ahmed

Ali , Fatuma Ahmed

Universitat: United Stated International University in Nairobi, Kenia

Doctor o doctora: Sí

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    • Master: International Master’s Degree in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies Professor: Fatuma Ahmed Ali Date: 12th of January 2021 - Description of the professional situation (category) Associate Professor of International Relations at the United States International University – Africa (USIU-A), Kenya, Visiting Faculty and an External Researcher of the Interuniversity Institute for Social Development & Peace (IUDESP) of the Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. - Brief description of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...) Her research interest include Gender and Violent Extremism, Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism, Women and War, Women Economic Empowerment, Peace Education, Peace Culture, Indigenous Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Models, Social Development, Feminist Theory, African-Islamic Feminism, Women´s agency, Politics, Elections, Peace Settlements, Informal institutions/actors and Migration/Displacements in the Horn of Africa, Gender/Child Protection of Refugees, Gender Based Violence and Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV). Her recent publications include: Ahmed Ali, Fatuma and Muyonga, Doreen (July 20, 2020), “Democratisation on hold in Somalia as first-past-the-post election is postponed”, in The Conversation,; Ahmed Ali, Fatuma and Arrno, Stephen Amin (2020). “Revolution is Female: Reconstructing African Women´s Agency in Political Regime Change Lessons from Sudan´s Revolution” in Munyi Nyaga Elijah, Mwambari David and Ylonen, Aleksi (eds), Beyond History: African Agency in Development, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution (Africa: Past, Present & Prospects), London: Rowman & Littlefield International; Ahmed Ali, Fatuma, (2020). “Commentary on Somali Migration and Displacement”, in the African Studies Review (ASR), Volume 63, Number 1 (March 2020), pp.117-123, doi:10.1017/asr.2019.84; Research Project: UKRI GCRF Global Network on Gender and Responding to Violent Extremism (GARVE), - Description of the teaching profile (type and quality of teaching) She has taught a variety of courses at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels across different disciplines in Kenya, Spain and Mexico. Using participatory dynamics, innovative technology and a mixture of cognitive and socio-affective methods.She was awarded the TOP Faculty of Year 2012 and three times the Best Female Lecturer of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, USIU-A. - Aspects related to professional activities (if any) She has been involved in organizing several roundtables, seminar series, colloquium, international conferences, curriculum development, review/accreditation, program review, peer review, external examination and student supervision. She has served as the Program Director of the International Relations Department, USIU-A. She has worked as an independent consultant with International NGOs, UN agencies, Kenyan Government and the Commission for University Education (CUE). - Other aspects you would like to highlight She sits in the Board of Directors of the NGO Coalition of Violence Against Women (COVAW), Conscious Kenya and she is the Nairobi Patron of the Community based organisation Sisters with a Mission. She is peace researcher, African-Islamic feminist, Pan-Africanist, mentor and an academic activist for Violence against Women. In 2020, she was the recipient of the prestigious Peace Prize Award of the City of Castellon, Spain.
Allerstorfer , Birgit

Allerstorfer , Birgit

Universitat: Innbruck University

Doctor o doctora: Sí

Adreça personal:

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    • Professor: Dr. Birgit Allerstorfer, MAS Date: 14th of May , 2023 - Description of the professional situation (category): Facilitator, Lecturer, independent Consultant and Coach in peace and conflict transformation, personal, team and organisational development, facilitator of community dialogue and development and multi-stakeholder processes. Lecturer and trainer at the Academy for Conflict Transformation of the German Civil Peace Service in Cologne, former facilitator, lecturer and reviewer (core faculty) at the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies in Innbruck. 15 years of leadership experiences in the field of education, integration and diversity, Ph.D. in legal gender studies (Linz, Austria) and MAS in Peace and Conflict Transformation (Basel, Switzerland). - Brief description of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...): Birgit is dedicated to interweaving academic research (publications, conference presentations) and practical facilitation in order to build bridges between diverse disciplines. Her interests embrace i.a. phenomena of “unconditional spaces” in peace building (pub. e.g. Basel and Essex 2013, Bradford 2016), dialogue and facilitation processes as catalysts in times of disruption (Lillehammer 2014, Brussels and Krems 2017, Springer 2018), “diversity beyond separation” (Bukarest 2022, Linz 2023), elicitive approaches (Bradford 2016 and Springer 2018), as well as contributions of women for peace (Linz 2008). - Description of the teaching profile (type and quality of teaching): She teaches and facilitates classes and courses in i.a. peace and conflict transformation, dialogue & facilitation (techniques), congruent/intercultural communication, state of the art leadership & self-leadership, rhetorics, presentation & negotiation skills, diversity-equity-inclusion & gender. Birgit applies an interactive, participatory, emancipatory and awareness-based facilitation style, aiming at empowering individuals and groups to step into their full potential of promoting peace.
Anctil Avoine, Priscyll

Anctil Avoine, Priscyll

Universitat: Lund University (LU) Sweden

Doctor o doctora: Sí

Càrrec: Especialista en conflictes.

Adreça personal:

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    • Professor: Priscyll Anctil Avoine Date: 24 of May 2023 - Description of the professional situation (category) Vinnova/Marie Curie/SSHRC Post-doctoral fellow at Lund University (Sweden) & Director of Fundación Lüvo. - Brief description of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...) Priscyll Anctil Avoine is a Vinnova/Marie Curie/SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in Feminist Security Studies at Lund University (Sweden). Her research focuses on embodied and emotional processes in contemporary wars as well as on the post-disarmament militancy of women ex-combatants. Her work has been published in the Journal of Gender Studies, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, and Conflict, Security & Development, among others. She is actively involved in the activities of the Fundación Lüvo collective (Colombia, Canada), which is committed to the formulation of feminist and anti-racist projects, as well as the publication of the Revista Lüvo. - Description of the teaching profile (type and quality of teaching) Priscyll’s teaching is rooted in feminist collective learning, emphasizing emotions and embodiment. She uses various methods, including lectures, seminars, workshops, podcasts, role play, art, self-expression through writing (i.e., autobiographies), and mentoring (i.e., thesis supervision) as well as different learning evaluation forms, such as in-class participation in discussions, course papers, written exams, presentations, podcast creation, blogs, creative theoretical portfolios, and artistic works. - Other aspects you would like to highlight Link to Lüvo: Link to my website: Twitter: @priscyll_
Bahajin , Said

Bahajin , Said

Empresa: Embajada de Chile en Marruecos

Doctor o doctora: Sí

Càrrec: Director de la Oficina Comercial de Chile en Marruecos. Especialista en educació per a la pau..

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    • Date: November 20th until December 1st, 2017 - Description of the professional situation (category) Professor of the Peace Education Course in the M.A. Program in Peace, Conflict and Development. Dr. Said Bahajin holds a PhD in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies. - Brief description of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...) His principle research area is intercultural dialogue, Alliance of civilizations, Peace Education. His PhD thesis, entitled United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Peaceful Transformation of Conflict between Muslim and Western Societies, has been praised for its sophisticated analysis and its significant contribution to peace philosophy. He is the coordinator for various International Peace education Projects such as: “A World Painted by Peace”, “RadioMiniatura”, “Creando Puentes”,. Pachamama Odm Project, Bubbles for hope Project, Postcards for Yasir Campaign, The World of Colors Project and others. The articles Bahajin has written about Peace Education and Peace are listed below: • Peace culture to paint the world with peace, with Dr. Gloria María Abarca Obregón, 2014, • The Latin American’s model to the integration of Arab immigrants, in Spanish, December 2011, • We coexist but we don’t know, in Spanish, 29 December 2011, • Smile please, in Spanish, 16 September 2011, • A gift of love, in Spanish, 14 Mai 2011, • World painted with peace: a traveling, international and intercultural project, in Spanish, January 2011, • The imperfect integration for those who come and who are living in Spain, in Filosofía en acción retos para la paz en el siglo XXI, 2009, Castelló de la Plana, Universidad Jaume I. • War is not the path, in Spanish, 21 January 2009, • Immigration: A journey to the paradise of peace, in Spanish, 21 Mai 2007, • The ethics of the hospitality in the Islamic faith, in Spanish, 04 de December 2007, • Immigration: For a peaceful transformation of conflict, in Spanish, 07 December 2007, • World painted with peace, Contribution to The Mid- Term Report On The International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non- Violence for The Children Of the World (2001- 1210), in Spanish. - Description of the teaching profile (type and quality of teaching) Bahajin’s professional experience is being a teacher, he has been an elementary teacher for more than 18 years, and he gives conference in many programs: Peace Education: experiences and contributions”, First Symposium about Peace Culture, 28 November 2015, Ciudad Juárez, México. Title: “Building together a Peace Culture”, First Symposium about Peace Culture, 27 November 2015, Ciudad Juárez, México. Title: “The role of Civil Society in Peace Education”, Interestatal Forum Peace education and Pedagogy 3000, 1 September 2015, Toluca, México.
Bock , Marisol Cristina

Bock , Marisol Cristina

Universitat: Karlshochschule International University

Doctor o doctora: Sí

Càrrec: Especialista en desenvolupament i sostenibilitat

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    • Date: 31st of November 2021 - Description of the professional situation (category) • lecturer • workshop facilitator • peace educator • musician - Briefdescription of the research profile (main research lines or line, contributions, ...) PhD Thesis related research: • peace studies: Many Peaces and Transrational Peace Approach • sustainable economic degrowth and adjacent movements • (eco)feminisms, feminist economics and queer theory • intersectionality and decoloniality • communication for peace • Collaboration with Feminism(s) and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA). "Collaborative F