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Curs 4 - Semestre 2
Part1 Introduction-Plant pathogens-plant diseases
Plant Diseases: main groups of pathogens: fungi, oomicetes, bacteria and viruses
Beneficial microbes
Common plant diseases
Part 2 Plant defence responses
The plant immune system: effects of pathogens on plant physiological functions
How plants defend themselves against pathogens
Constitutive defenses
Induced defenses
Part 3 Laboratory-Biotech Tools
Laboratory Classes
1) Antimicrobial tests / antibody diagnosis CTV virus test: immunoblotting
2) PCR-based disease diagnosis (test plectosporium in Arabidopsis infected plants)-
3) Study of plant-pathogen interactions. (BABA-IR against Botrytis in Arabidopsis genotypes)-Plant markers of microbial infections