Lesson 1: The Economics of Integration .
The stages of integration: Free Trade Areas, Customs Unions, The Single Market, Common Market, Economic and Monetary Union;
The theory of Customs Unions: static effects.
The theory of Customs Unions: dynamic effects.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 1, 2 and 5
Lesson 2: The EU external (trade) relations.
The Common Commercial Policy (CCP).
The Pyramid of privileges.
Central and Eastern European countries.
The ACP-EU partnership.
Mediterranean countries.
Other developing countries.
Developed countries.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 12
Lesson 3: The theory of the Common Markets and the Single Market
The theory of the Common Markets
How does factor mobility within the EU affect economic activity and growth; wage convergence and migration.
Euroesclerosis and the Single Market Program
Costs of non-tariff barriers.
Benefits of the Single Market.
Evaluation of the effects of the Single Market.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 7 and 8
Lesson 4: Agriculture and the CAP.
Problems of the agricultural sector.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Effects of the CAP.
Reforms of the CAP.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 9
Lesson 5: Regional Policy.
Regional problems and economic integration.
Regional problems in the EU.
Regional economic policy of the EU.
EMU and regional divergence.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 10
Lesson 6: The Background to European Monetary Integration.
A brief history of the post-war international monetary system.
The need for exchange rate stability between European countries.
The operation of the ‘Snake’.
The operation of the European Monetary System: monetary co-operation, the ERM, and the ECU.
The ‘ERM crisis’ of 1992/3, its causes and consequences.
Identification and comparison of the costs and benefits of monetary union.
Optimum currency areas (OCA) and monetary union.
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 13, 14, 15 and 16
Lesson 7: Macroeconomic Policies under EMU. The crisis of the eurozone.
The framework for macroeconomic policies.
The Eurosystem and the design of the European Central Bank.
The monetary policy strategy.
Fiscal policy and monetary integration.
The crisis of the eurozone
Baldwin and Wyplosz (2012): Chap. 17, 18 and 19