HP1515 - Llengua Anglesa (Idioma Modern)

Curs 2 - Semestre 2



UNIT 1. AGAINST STEREOTYPES AND COMMONPLACES: “English are...” (simple present of verb to be, Nationalities, adjectives describing people, how to deal with lack of vocabulary and turn-taking strategies, ways of agreeing and disagreeing, writing e-mails introducing oneself to a cyber-pal, what do we do for a living?...(primary, manufacturing and service sectors, etc.).
UNIT 2. WHAT ARE “THE MENINAS” DOING? TIPS FOR CULTURE VULTURES (describing works of art, present continuous of verb to be, action verbs, prepositions of place, vocabulary about art, ways of expressing opinions, etc.)

UNIT 3. THIS MUSIC/FILM/SCULPTURE MAKES ME FEEL...(describing feelings, vocabulary about art, action-happenings, ways of reviewing, how to write opinion essays, etc.)

UNIT 4. AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, WE USUALLY DO… (present simple of the rest of verbs, frequency adverbs, talking about different ways of life and beliefs, comparing and contrasting customs and cultures, “you are what you eat”: cuisine and festivals, )
UNIT 5. WHAT HAPPENED TO US WAS THAT...(past tenses, vocabulary on history and war and peace, describing famous and/or notorious historical characters, our past: “what happened to us was...”, some useful phrasal verbs, elaborating a chronological line)

UNIT 6. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO…? (present perfect, vocabulary on geography and travelling, introduction to the rhetoric of publicity, ways of inviting and being persuasive)

UNIT 7. TONIGHT WILL BE COLD (future tenses, vocabulary on the weather and natural disasters, weather forecast: “the best season to visit England is...”, predicting and planning future events)
UNIT 8. THE WORLD WE WOULD LIKE TO LIVE IN SHOULD BE… (modal verbs, vocabulary on environmental issues, the natural world: going sightseeing, ways of requesting and suggesting)
UNIT 9. IF I WERE PRESIDENT…(conditional sentences, vocabulary on politics and social issues, ways of giving advice and expressing regrets)
UNIT 10. HEADLINES AS WEAPONS: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “HITLER BOMBED GUERNICA” AND “GUERNICA WAS BOMBED YESTERDAY”? (the passive voice, vocabulary used in the press and the mass media, when the language is not neutral: headlines and ideology)