Esteu accedint a un curs acadèmic que no està actiu. La informació no correspon al curs acadèmic actual.

Sistema d'avaluació

Elaboració de treballs acadèmics


Criteris de superació

Students will be required to submit an Individual Project on one of the issues tackled in this course and of interest to the student. In order to pass the course, students have to earn at least a 50% on their paper.

Students should be able to attend at least 80% of in-class sessions. Students may be asked to submit extra assignments when missing a session due to extraordinary and unexpected circumstances. Attendance to seminars is highly recommended.

A student will be regarded as Presentado when a final paper is submitted in due time; otherwise, the student will be considered No Presentado.

Important information:

  • All papers are to be submitted electronically via the Virtual Platform by the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. Please hand in a printed copy of your paper as well. 
  • Papers have to be clearly identified and properly formatted. Please follow APA, Harvard or another citation style, and be consistent throughout your paper.     
  • Academic honesty and plagiarism: You cannot copy and paste from somebody else’s work. You have to acknowledge and properly cite other authors’ works. Failing to comply with this policy will automatically result in a failing grade.